Business woman working in her home office

Given all of the changes we have seen recently, many individuals still haven’t quite got their “sea legs,” as we have had to manage different currents in our work and lives. While some aspects of our world are starting to return to a sense of normalcy, one thing that is unlikely to ebb with the pandemic is the speed of transformation.

We have seen rapid innovation and new ways of working come to life over the past several months. Now, organizations are asking questions about how we can bridge more traditional ways of operating with the future of work that companies are driving toward. Most recently, that has come to life through the “return to work” debate.

My colleague Shana Bosler wrote about that topic from the mindset of managers. For those who may not be leading the change themselves and are feeling uncertain in the current state (or in others), I would like to share some tips to use your Emergenetics® preferences to successfully navigate some of the anxieties you may be experiencing.

5 Tips to Stay Grounded Despite Unfamiliar Circumstances

1. Understand your internal drivers.

Self-awareness is vital when it comes to finding your footing. When you know what motivates you and the questions that drive you, you can recognize and proactively seek out the information that will allow you to feel more confident in the face of insecurity.

If you have an Emergenetics Profile, I invite you to review your Narrative Report to consider how your Thinking and Behavioral preferences influence your approach to unfamiliar situations. If you do not have a Profile, you may reflect on the questions you ask most often using thought starters from our LinkedIn post to identify the considerations that could help or hinder your response to your circumstances.

2. Recognize your stressors.

In addition to being aware of the motivations and interests behind your reaction to uncertainty, you may wish to analyze how stress impacts you. Take stock of the situational factors that might negatively influence how you respond to ambiguity. I also recommend that you read one of our most popular blog posts to understand how stress can show up through the Attributes. When you see some of these signs come to life in your actions, move on to tip #5!

3. Pay attention to how you are stretching yourself.

Expanding beyond your preferences is an excellent way to learn new things. When you find yourself in unfamiliar situations, it’s important to pause to see if you are landing in the stretch or stress zone. Check in with yourself to acknowledge how you are feeling. If you are sensing a bit of pressure or tension, that’s often good for growth. If you are anxious, exhausted or depressed, take a break or connect with a trusted friend or colleague to decompress.

4. Advocate for your needs.

Understanding the first three tips can help you to realize what you need to address ambiguity. I invite you to use the language of Emergenetics to describe which Attributes may be driving your reaction as well as ask for support based on your internal drivers and the interests of your preferences.

For example, as an Analytical-Conceptual thinker, I may be more anxious if I do not know the why and the what if behind a situation. By articulating my needs to my colleagues, they may have additional information or ideas that I can use to reframe my response. For more examples of how you can advocate for your needs, read this blog post, which offers insight into managing change through the lens of the Attributes.

5. Set boundaries.

In uncertain times, it’s essential to create space between yourself and the challenging circumstance you are experiencing. That’s easier said than done as many studies have revealed that remote work increases the average length of the workday. Still, it’s important to allow your mind to rest and recuperate so that it is not constantly strained.

Find ways to separate yourself and recharge in a manner that speaks to your interests. Whether that includes scheduled breaks in your workday, making a plan to meditate, connecting with a friend or something else, setting boundaries that support your mental and physical wellbeing will help you to process and navigate ambiguity.

As you continue to adjust to the evolving state of the world, it’s valuable to take stock of what you need to move forward. While you may not always be able to calm the sea of transformation, by practicing self-awareness and self-care, you can successfully find your way through it.

Ready to engage the Emergenetics Attributes to strengthen your self-awareness? Learn more about how you can utilize the Emergenetics Profile in your work or fill out the form below.

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