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A New Year’s Resolution for Work: Setting Boundaries

With all the recent discussion around quiet quitting, I wouldn’t be surprised if many individuals are putting more thought into the ways that they can enhance the integration of their work and lives. There are many factors that may tip the scale in favor of a healthy or unhealthy direction, and one essential element to finding the right balance is setting boundaries.

When employees are encouraged to create reasonable limits, employers are likely to see improvements to their people’s well-being and levels of engagement.

To define healthy boundaries, you can take some inspiration from each of the Emergenetics® Attributes. Considering each Attribute holistically, regardless of whether they are a preference, can inspire new considerations when establishing your priorities.

NewAnalyticalAnalyze What Is Adding Value

From the perspective of the Analytical Attribute, it’s important to get a good return on any investment that you make. Assess what value you’re getting out of the time you put into an activity whether it’s part of your career or home life. This lens can enhance the prioritization process by empowering you to gain a stronger understanding of what things are and are not yielding positive gains.  

Pen On PaperCreate Clear Structures Around Time

Respecting an individual’s schedule not only supports their personal and professional needs, it also honors the Structural Attribute. To reset expectations, reflect on the many responsibilities you have and methodically align your time based on your different roles and duties. Whether you uncover additional free time or find that your schedule has reached its limit, you can identify where to give and take from your time moving forward.

People talking bubbles iconSet Emotional Boundaries

Those with a Social preference often find themselves experiencing emotional empathy where they may physically relate to the feelings of others. This is a powerful gift, and it can also be draining. Think about the emotional boundaries that would promote a healthier outlook inside and outside of the workplace, such as clarifying how you receive feedback most effectively or giving yourself permission to not be affected by another’s mood.

Light bulb with brain inside iconImagine Your Ideal Work-Life Integration

Individuals who have a preference for Conceptual Thought typically enjoy visioning activities and will likely get energy from imagining what balance looks like, feels like and sounds like. To reframe your approach, I encourage you to let go of any preconceived notions of what balance means to you and start to imagine the opportunities (and limitations) that will serve you and your needs.

Two talking bubbles iconPractice the Art of Saying “No”

To define our limits, we also must be able to use our Expressiveness preference to communicate them to others. A vital part of that is the ability to decline opportunities, so that you can focus on the things that matter most and bring the most benefit. If you would like some tips on how to say no, take a look at these suggestions [1] to get started.

Car iconAdvocate for Yourself

Considering the Assertiveness Attribute, it’s important to reflect on how you will articulate what you need. Whether you are in the first-, second- or third-third of Assertiveness, you have the tools to advocate for yourself. It’s just a matter of understanding the style you prefer to use and committing to sharing what limits give you a greater sense of stability.

Arrow on sign pointing in different directions iconBe Accountable and Responsive

As you define your boundaries, I invite you to set some objectives. Make a plan to check in with yourself periodically to track progress, celebrate successes and find opportunities for improvement. From the lens of Flexibility, staying accountable to your goals can promote growth, and it is equally critical to give yourself grace to make adjustments as your work and life evolve.

In addition to the tips from each of the Attributes, I have one final suggestion for you: Commit to reflection.

Whenever you reset your approach or habits, keep an open mind. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new, and you might find that some of the priorities and restrictions you set are not as meaningful as you initially thought they would be. By setting aside time to check in with yourself, assess how you are feeling and analyze the alterations you’ve made, you are more likely to strengthen your well-being.

For any managers or people leaders who are reading this post, I also invite you to reflect with your teams. Understanding what your employees value and need will empower you to create an environment where each person feels they are appreciated and that their physical and mental health matters.

Amplify employee wellness in your organization with the complimentary resources in our Manager Toolkit: Battling Burnout [2].

Battle burnout to amplify team performance and wellbeing. Access the toolkit. [2]

Or, fill out the form below to speak with one of our team members about the Emergenetics solutions we can offer to improve team dynamics and workplace well-being.